Line by Line Review

Our recruiters will review your resume line by line and give you detailed feedback on how you can improve it.

Real People

Our reviews are done by REAL RECRUITERS who work in a range of industries. They understand how employers think, what to highlight and what to downplay. Our recruiters understand not only what gets attention in a resume, but how to make it stand up under the review of the entire hiring process.

Not an AI Trick

While there are some great AI tools, AI works by looking at history and is not connected to current hiring trends, it skips over employment laws that may impact your job search, and - most importantly - it misses feedback from your real audience -- hiring managers.

How it Works

It's easy to get going:

  • Upload an editable version of your resume (Word, RTF or Google Doc -- NOT a PDF).
  • We will offer specific inline comments on what you can do to increase the effectiveness of your resume.
  • We will cover areas such as wording choice, basic grammar, metrics, level of detail, and basic format.
  • If you choose to implement any/all of the changes we include a second review.


Let's get started!

We charge $95 for the review process, but the first step is to submit your resume here. Our recruiters will take a look and make sure it's something we can work with and reach out to you for next steps.

Submit a request for review

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